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Viewers Wrote

Chris Dooley
29 June 2022

Excellent video on Keitel. Be assured he was one of the many many other sycophants who gladly and gleefully did whatever Hitler wanted. Thank you for producing such an informative mini documentary.

Eshi M
21 September 2022

Aside from learning more about the darkest era in human history, I think that one of the best aspects of these videos are the photos of those who lost their lives in the holocaust. We've seen first-hand accounts on those who managed to survive, but showing biographical information on those who lost their lives makes the unthinkable member of 6 million lost more tangible. These people were not even granted the dignity of a solitary death, and I appreciate that these videos ensure that they are not forgotten.

Irma Laucirica
21 October 2022

Tanks so much for your video's! I am sure it's through intense research to accomplished such good information ! May God blessed you, your family and everyone working with you on this great videos! PS. Sorry for the bad English and mistakes, but I'm legally blind can see only a tiny bit from one eye, plus English is not my native language, I learn alone just a little. Blessings

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